Oldham Sixth Form College

Transforming the lives of
young people through academic
excellence and outstanding support

Progress Tutors

Progress Tutors

Every student will have a specialist Progress Tutor to advise, guide and support them through their journey at OSFC.

Our highly experienced team of Progress Tutors work closely with you and get to know you as individuals, so they can provide specific support to help you achieve your potential. Progress Tutors help students set and work towards aspirational academic and career goals. We develop you as motivated and independent learners, who can thrive in the college environment and in the wider world. The Progress Tutor team support you by being a critical friend, who can help you to reflect and take responsibility for your progress. Our Progress Tutor team undertake regular training, such as the Youth Mental Health First Aid qualification. This training allows them to support and signpost students, so they can receive specialist support that may be required to be successful in their studies.

We develop motivated and independent learners, who can thrive in the college environment and in the wider world.



Progress Tutors also play a key role in delivering weekly group sessions on key topics that are relevant to the Pathway students are studying. Sessions are themed and include topics such as Learning how to learn, Mindfulness, Wellbeing and health, Futures, Personal safety, Charity and community and Preparing for life after college.  The weekly tutorials look at how students can make the most of their college experience and support you in making the big choices about your future. There is also a focus on careers-related activities, including looking at university, apprenticeship and job options after college.

The Progress Tutors are headed by Amanda, Caron and Doug. Meet your progress tutor below.

Student Support Leaders


  • Amanda Lucas
    Student Support Leader
  • Caron Rainton
    Student Support Leader


 Progress Tutors


  • Amreen Akhtar
    Progress Tutor
  • Sahreen Ashfaq
    Progress Tutor
  • Skeena Bibi
    Progress Tutor
  • Melissa Costello-Brown
    Progress Tutor
  • Helena Diveney
    Progress Tutor
  • Ioana Fragulea
    Progress Tutor
  • Daniel Gaunt
    Progress Tutor
  • Samantha Gladwin
    Progress Tutor
  • Emma Hart
    Progress Tutor
  • Doug King
    Progress Tutor
  • Tiree Kirk
    Progress Tutor
  • Richard Lee
    Progress Tutor
  • Lucy Lowe
    Progress Tutor
  • Leen Momani
    Progress Tutor
  • Isabella O'Reilly
    Progress Tutor
  • Edward Pullin
    Progress Tutor
  • Dawn Stansfield
    Progress Tutor
  • Farheen Sufi
    Progress Tutor
  • Kyril Whittaker
    Progress Tutor