Oldham Sixth Form College

Transforming the lives of
young people through academic
excellence and outstanding support

Support and Wellbeing

Support and Wellbeing

Moving from a school to a sixth form college is an exciting time. A lot is changing, which is a positive thing, but we know aspects of this transition can be challenging. We take great care to guarantee that all students who join OSFC have the individual support they need.

We prioritise the well-being of all of our students, ensuring that your progress tutor is a constant figure of support, that additional support needs are met, whatever these may be, but also that all members of staff are pointing you towards the right provision and opportunities.

We listen to our students and what they need.

Every opportunity is taken to equip students to manage their workloads well and ease any anxiety around exams and deadlines, through a range of techniques and resources in tutorial. We even have a bespoke Student Well-being Week when we focus on a range of activities to benefit you in taking care of your everyday mental health. From yoga and meditation, to advice on financial management, every opportunity is taken to ensure our students’ emotional well-being is looked after and that they are well equipped to face life’s challenges.