Oldham Sixth Form College

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Media Studies (A Level)

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  • Case study






I love studying the theory aspect of the course, as it enables you to learn so much about different types of media.

Media Studies (A Level)  

  •  Assessment
  • Year 1 & 2
    70% Exam; 30% Coursework
  • Exam board


What Will You Learn?

We engage with a broad spectrum of media forms, including music video, gaming, film marketing, TV and online media. Our focus is on how the media shapes the world we live in, how audiences engage with particular texts they love and also how the media uses its power when we look at media businesses. You will reflect on the work of many different media theorists and consider their thinking regarding the texts we examine. As well as this academic approach to media, there is the opportunity to be creative in the making of your own media products, in the 30% coursework component.


Component 1: Investigating the Media. Here we consider lots of different media texts and learn new skills.

Component 2: Investigating Media Forms and Products. We employ a more in-depth approach to three significant and well known media texts.

Component 3: Media Production. You will be given the freedom and support to create your own media products in response to set briefs.

Special Features

  • You can take part in a trip to London to find out more about how the media operates.
  • There are many opportunities to hear from expert university speakers, who help shed light on some of the complex issues we consider in the subject.
  • You will study in dedicated and subject specific facilities, such as editing suites and production spaces.

Where Will This Lead?

Media Studies can take you into a variety of worlds where creative and analytical skills are required. At HE level, there are now many different subject related degrees based in theory or production, but there are also many other areas such as advertising, communication, design, fashion, journalism and technology where your talents would be demanded and valued.