Case studyCaitlin
Case study
Caitlin is an exceptional model student in Health, she works extremely hard and is highly conscientious. Caitlin tries her very best in health and takes part in cross curricula activities such as the Olympathon.
Within the course there are many different engaging topics with physiology & anatomy being my favourite as you develop a deep and detailed understanding of all the different body systems meaning the lessons are never boring!
Health and Social Care (Vocational)
- Year 1 & 2
30% exam; 70% coursework - Exam board
OCR (Cambridge Technical - Extended Diploma)
What Will You Learn?
If you are considering a career in the NHS, social care or teaching, this course is an excellent choice. You’ll study equality and diversity, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, infection control and much more. In the second year, you will have the opportunity to learn about sexual health, mental health conditions and public health. For those students who are pursuing a career in the competitive fields of nursing, paramedic science, midwifery and other NHS careers, we have an option to specialise in the more scientific units, providing students with more science content to strengthen their university applications.
Year 12
- Unit 1: Building Positive Relationships in Health and Social Care
- Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care
- Unit 3: Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care
- Unit 4: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Social Care
- Unit 5: Infection Control
- Unit 7: Safeguarding
- Unit 9: Supporting People with Learning Disabilities
- Unit 10: Nutrition for Health
- Unit 14: The Impact of Long Term Physiological Health Conditions
Year 13
- Unit 6: Personalisation and a Person Centred Approach to Care
- Unit 11: Career Planning in Health and Social Care*
- Unit 13: Sexual Health, Reproduction and Early Development Stages*
- Unit 15: Promoting Health and Wellbeing*
- Unit 17: Supporting People with Mental Health Conditions*
- Unit 21: Looked after Children and Young People*
- Unit 22: Psychology for Health and Social Care*
- Unit 24: Public Health*
- Unit 12: Promote Positive Behaviour
- Unit 25: Research Methods in Health, Social Care and Childcare
*TBC- units studied will depend on pathway
Special Features
As part of this course, a range of work experience placements will be organised for students. Possible settings include hospitals, care homes, nurseries and schools. Students will carry out the work experience throughout the year and reflect on this through their studies.
Where Will This Lead?
- Adult Nursing
- Paediatric Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Social Work
- Paramedic Science
- Midwifery
- Teaching
- Psychology/Sociology/Law/Early years degree
- Employment in the adult social care or childcare sectors