Oldham Sixth Form College

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Electronics (A Level)

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  • Case study

The knowledge gained is not just theoretical, but also allows you to put into practice what you have learned by designing and building physical electronic circuits and devices. It’s a really enjoyable and useful subject. 

Electronics (A Level)  

  •  Assessment
  • Year 1 and 2
    80% Examination; 20% Coursework
  • Exam board
  • Specific entry requirements
    Grade 5s in either GCSE Double Science or in at least 2 single sciences (including the subject(s) to be studied)


What Will You Learn?

Electronics is a practical subject in which we cover the skills and knowledge required to design, make, test and modify circuits to meet an agreed project target.  With knowledge of this subject, you will always be in demand because modern society is dependent on electronics, whether it be for communicating, controlling machines, processing information on computers or using modern medical techniques.  An exciting feature is the coursework, which consists of individually chosen projects.


Component 1 - Principles of Electronics

  • Semiconductor components, Logic systems, Operational amplifiers, Signal conversion, AC circuits and passive filters, Communications systems, Wireless transmission, Instrumentation systems

Component 2 - Application of Electronics

  • Timing circuits, Sequential logic systems, Microcontrollers, Digital communications, Optical communication, Mains power supply systems, High power switching systems, Audio system

Component 3 - Extended System Design and Realisation Tasks

  • Task 1 involves the development of a microcontroller system programmed through assembler language.
  • Task 2 is a substantial system development including analogue and digital sub-systems in an integrated design.

Special Features

Our specialised Electronics laboratory means that you will have the opportunity to gain a wide range of practical and analytical skills in designing, building and testing electronic circuits.

You will have the opportunity to help out in the OSFC Regional Science Centre and get involved with primary science, Nuffield placements and STEM activities, during British Science Week.

All students studying a science course are able to become a Science Ambassador. This allows students to take part in events both at college and external trips to local universities and to promote science to younger students from local secondary and primary schools.

Where Will This Lead?

Electronics is an ideal stepping-stone to HE courses in Engineering, Computing and Science and careers in areas such as the electronics industry, avionics, IT and engineering. You will be able to develop analytical and problem solving skills, as well as learn how to use your initiative to develop solutions.