Oldham Sixth Form College

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Chemistry (A Level)

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  • Case study

 I chose chemistry because it is a requirement at most universities to study medicine, but the A-level itself offers so many skills which can be applied in so many other settings!

Chemistry (A Level)  

  •  Assessment
  • Year 1 and 2
    100% exam 
  • Exam board
  • Specific entry requirements
    Grade 5s in either GCSE Double Science or in at least 2 single sciences (including the subject(s) to be studied)

*This course cannot be studied as part of a blended programme.

What Will You Learn?

 Chemistry is constantly evolving and developing as new discoveries are made, with chemists tackling the biggest challenges facing us such as sustainable energy, food production, the environment and health. There are three main strands of chemistry that you will study which are physical, organic and inorganic, helping you to develop a better understanding of current scientific research and give you the analytical and problem solving skills you can apply in any chosen path after A-level.


Year 1

Module 1: Development of Practical Skills in Chemistry

This module involves the practical skills which are an important part of chemistry. You will have the opportunity to complete a wide range of practicals from organic synthesis to measuring electrochemical cell potentials. The skills you gain through the practicals and analysis of results are examined in AS and A2, but you can also gain an additional, highly valued, practical endorsement certificate to show universities and prospective employers that you are a competent practical chemist.

Module 2: Foundations in Chemistry

The foundations in chemistry module is one of the most important as it covers fundamental ideas that you will need throughout your chemistry career. It builds on topics met at GCSE such as the atom, electron configurations and mole calculations, as well as some newer ideas such as oxidation numbers and shapes of molecules.

Module 3: Periodic Table and Energy

This module is a favourite for people that like to find patterns and numerical explanations for why things happen. You will cover topics you have met before like rates, as well as a few new ones like equilibrium and enthalpy.

Module 4: Core Organic Chemistry

This module is about learning to speak chemistry! You meet nomenclature and formulae and learn about some of the most important functional groups, reactions and mechanisms.

Year 2

Module 5: Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements

This module builds on many of the topics at AS in module 2 and 3. The maths content is high and it helps us to understand the hows and whys of many reactions as well as introducing our favourite colourful compounds.

Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis

This module adds to the organic chemistry covered in module 4 bringing in new functional groups and also much more spectroscopy. By the end of this, you will have a really good understanding of reaction mechanisms and multistep synthesis.

Special Features

  • All lessons are delivered in state-of-the-art laboratories.
  • All students studying a science course are able to become a Science Ambassador. This allows students to take part in events both at college and external trips to local universities and to promote science to younger students from local secondary and primary schools.
  • Students have the opportunity to take part in trips and to improve their skills through extra practical activities and presentations. They spend the day at Huddersfield University during Science Week, carrying out a series of interesting experiments in their modern laboratories.
  • A team of students is also selected to take part in the annual Royal Society of Chemistry “Schools’ Analyst” competition held at Manchester University; the College frequently gives a very good account of itself at this challenging event.
  • Students are also encouraged to explore Chemistry beyond the realms of A level by taking part in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (Year 12) and the RSC Chemistry Olympiad (Year 13) each year.


Where Will This Lead?

Studying Chemistry is essential for HE courses and careers in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences. Former students have also progressed into Chemical Engineering, Forensic Science and Pharmaceutical Science. The skills you gain, including analytical and problem-solving skills, will also be valuable for a broad range of careers.