Joining OSFC
Making Choices
You may have had your college interview or you may be waiting for it to take place. What is important is how you think about the choices you make after GCSEs.
In this section we have pulled together some advice and prompts that can help you:
- Keep your options broad. Ofsted Inspectors have said that by offering four AS Level courses in Year 12 and enabling Year 13's to reduce this to three, we provide “breadth of curriculum and a greater learner choice”. Our Extended Diplomas also offer breadth through the wide range of units covered. We explain both breadth of subjects and subject combination in the pathways section of the website (here).
- If you have an idea of a career at this stage, be aware that this may, and probably will change as you grow up. For this reason keep your options open, and go for subjects that you will enjoy and know you can do well in. In the meantime, try out our interactive careers resource (here).
- Once you start your courses at OSFC, it feels like no time at all until you are planning where you are going to go next: university, apprenticeships or employment. What will be clear to you is that the grades you will need to progress are very important. Therefore, think about which subjects you will do best in. Once you receive your GCSE results you will have a clearer idea - should you seriously consider those subjects with the highest grades? Probably.
- We get students to think about lots of things before choosing their courses in August. Your enrolment interview is the opportunity to take your time and talk through all your options with a specialist. Here are some detailed points worth looking at and sharing with the people you live with nearer the time.
College and School - are they the same thing?
In some ways yes and in others no. You have teachers, you are expected to complete your work to the best of your ability, you will be expected to be punctual and attend all lessons, and you will have important assessments throughout your time here followed by college reports and parents evenings. Lessons of 70 minutes and a 50 minute lunch break. So that all sounds very familiar doesn't it.
However, there are some differences:
- 2400 students all your age
- The college day that starts at 9am and finishes at 4.15pm
- All students are provided with a Chromebook to use whilst here
- Fewer subjects to study but in much greater detail
- No uniform but you will have to wear an ID badge (see our dress code policy here)
- Study periods where you can organise your own work in study areas
- No registration period at the start of the day
- A register taken in every lesson
- A Progress Tutor rather than a Form Tutor
- Staff have first names - and you can use them!
Only 3 (very important) rules:
Your timetable might look something like this:
Getting to OSFC
We are very well positioned for public transport.
The tram stop on King Street is right outside our front door.
Oldham Bus station is a 10 minute walk away.
We have bike shelters if you cycle.
As a college committed to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint we actively encourage students to walk, cycle or use public transport rather than cars. It is good for the planet and it prevents congestion of the surrounding roads.
Greater Manchester Transport offers free travel via the Our Pass scheme and you can apply here. It is a great way to get around.